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CD 13 - Fempire

Reviews: - 2004 - 2007

CD13 Description

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I just spent the holiday weekend in the hypnotic clutches of "Fempire." It is an awesome seduction and transformation, to say the least. By the time the Fempire was through with me, I would have sworn in court that I was Linda Evangelista.

IMHO, "Fempire" will probably come to be regarded as Mistress' best CD thus far.

She does several neat things:

First, Mistress grabs hold of your submissiveness, however slight it might be; then she cranks it up until obedience becomes an obsession. I've had a lifelong fantasy of being taken and hypnotically transformed--forcibly at first, then wantonly willingly. "Fempire" makes it happen.

Second, She kicks you over into a dream state as She deepens your trance. I sometimes have problems hallucinating in trance with CDs such as "Male Charm" and "Vixen," but in this dream state, "Fempire" becomes achingly real for me. Also, it appears that the more I listen, the more real the experience becomes.

The ending is way cool, too. Before the "awakening" track begins, the Fempire puts you back into a deep, dreamlike trance--along with a command to dream about your sexy new self. I like to end the CD right there (if time permits), enjoy the dream and just wake up naturally. (And who knows? With my "Fempre" trances getting ever deeper, I may never wake up. And wouldn't that be cool!)

Enough of this nonsense. Time to get back to sleep here.

- Tuesday, July 06, 2004 at 19:46:37 (EDT)

thank you MISTRESS for the prompt delivery...two days from montreal....canada post outstanding. Hypnotic Wishes has changed me in a small and very discrete way. i've never worn lipstick and perfume. now i get to work a couple of hours early before my staff get in wearing a slight hint of my wife's perfume, just enough that i can smell it and lipstick that wears off before they get in. without a thought i'm slipping on panties on a daily basis my male briefs take some effort. i don't know where FEMPIRE will lead me. i'm sure MISTRESS will suck my male ego away. i can live with that. so far it's been an experience.

your slave girl,
oksana tsoptix@NOSPAMyahoo.ca
- Wed, 5 Sep 2007 20:04:08 -0400 (EDT)

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